Some common word associations with each of the models. Some may not agree with this list or how they are listed. I think it gives a better perspective when we can step back and look word alignment with each model. I think there's has been an effort to *blend* certain words into each model over time. But some words just don't fit the model. Example space in the FE model just doesn't fit or creator and the globe model when it is clearly tied to the theory of evolution. The hard reality being heliocentrism will not share its cosmology with Christians, your only fooling yourself if you believe they will. The flat earth biblical cosmology is a reality, this earth being created for us by a creator who loves us. One just needs to be educated and understand how the flat earth model works. Knowledge is power.
In order for Copernicus to verify that the heliocentric model works. Each listed area should have been verified in that models orbital mechanics. Because the sun is the center celestial body for the globe model to which the earth is said to be orbiting around, the suns position becomes the primary validation and focal point. And if we look at the sun we can see the BIG problem for this model with the sun out of position in the daytime sky. The suns height being "to high" becomes a huge problem for this models orbital mechanics. And if your models sun is out of position that model fails as vertical angle testing on both sides of the terrestrial earth have shown. This presents three areas of geometric failure for the globe model. This means the earth isn't orbiting the sun but rather the suns orbiting over a flat stationary earth.
It's as easy as seeing the sun in either the first story or second story window. The suns position tells the real answer. If the sun is seen in the first story window during late Spring, Summer, and early Fall sun seasons the earths surface could either be flat or curved. As a rule of thumb general times will be (9 - 10 am mornings, and afternoon times 3 - 4 pm).. In this example the sun is in the first story window.
In this example of the two story house the sun is in the 2nd story window. This distinguishes earths true surface shape as being flat. This is because in the designated sun seasons and times the high sun position can only be viewed from a flat surface. Finding out the why is the *NEXT* step.
The globe model has many faults most of which work against itself. Distances for this model from earth to the sun work hard against this model based on its measured vertical angle to the sun. This means once the limit for this model is "exceeded" the farther out you go the worse it gets for this model exceeding the line of parallel. The lines of parallel are; line one being the sun at 90 degrees, and line two being the measured sun height from the OS. The "equatorial plane" is next, this being the globe actually tilts to maintain the sun at 90 degrees within a belt surrounding the globe model. This is this models "Achilles heel" and its most vulnerable area. Knowing the limit for this model based on measured sun heights at the OS makes this a very short conversation once "the limit" for this model is exceeded. But you first have to know how to get the limit.
Understanding sun location in our daytime sky or the high sun is primary evidence of flat earth. And it is why the sun, once we understand its position in the sky only works in ONE model the geocentric flat earth model. At 46 degree or more the earths true surface shape distinguishes itself as flat at observation times of 09:00 - 10:00 am and 15:00 (3pm) - 16:00 (4pm) daily. Like a window in the sky as shown in the diagram above the sun position in the sky verifies the difference between a flat or curved surface. This is because the object of reference the sun when sighted center mass has now exceeded the line of parallel, and you are no longer sighting on the sun center mass (proper earth to sun alignment is exceeded) for the globe model. At 45 degree and below the earths surface is indistinguishable between flat and curved. The most difficult times for the globe model are the summer season, inside the prime meridian zone and low altitude, this is because the globe model only has 45 degree upper surface measurement to work with because the observer is at a 45 degree surface angle to the sun which reaches line of parallel for the globe model at 90 degree.
Learning how distance equates to surface angle on the globe model is easy. As shown in the three examples in the slide for 10, 20, and 50 degrees. Note the distance for each example shown. Because the globe model is spherical in geometric shape surface distance and angle must be accounted for in any vertical angle measurement.
Keeping it simple. Measuring the suns height (vertical angle) will give us the answer to earths true surface shape. And its why the sun has to be 45 degrees or less for the 45 degree sector test. The simple math of it is not complex. Simply add the observer angle (1) at the time of observation this is also known as the surface angle + the measured sun height (2) to give us the sum (3). As shown in the above example 45 + 45 = 90. The sun is always 90 degrees in the tropics which is the limit. The observer angle (surface angle) can be checked by performing a sun plot (step 6) in the 9 step geometric validation process which is explained on this page. Best testing times are during the summer solstice. This is because the sun is at its maximum zenith when its closest to the observer and the most difficult time for the globe model to pass. In other words this model cant hide behind distance alone, it must prove itself by position height to be valid which lends directly into the models orbital mechanics.
In this slide we can show how to measure distance between the OS and the suns position in the tropics (equatorial plane) as well as surface angle. Because the geometric form or shape is a sphere distance equates to surface angle for this model. Each latitude and longitude grid on this globe is 10 degrees in scale size. That means 10 degree across whether left to right, right to left, up or down, down or up, or diagonally. In this example a distance of 55 degrees is shown between the observer at the OS to the suns location in the tropics by simple math addition. This distance of 55 degrees equates out to a surface angle of 55 degrees as well. Meaning the observer is 55 degrees to the sun at the time of observation. Also note the red circle "ring" being 360 degrees shown and how the breakdown of the geometric shape can be accomplished. Keeping it simple.
Probably the least understood knowledge when talking about the sun is that the sun is always 90 degrees within the equatorial plane. Once you have an object that is 90 degrees measured angles to that object (vertical angle) can be obtained to check for surface angle and distance by using triangulation and right triangles. This also checks any math computation or equations to verify they are in fact correct or fall within tolerance of the observed object of reference (sun). In the slide example the #4 is used to show this. We can uses several math applications to get the number 4 addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, right triangles and triangulation will expose any bad math or math that is not supported or fails the triangulation process. Now some may say wait that's to obvious, we all know 2-1 doesn't = 4 but if its part of an equation it can be made to and that's the main point. The heliocentrist have used equations to create something that has no relationship to our real world as in Nicola Tesla's quote. In this case the right triangle exposes the subtraction is incorrect. Right triangles expose any bad math computations or equations. We must also remember that the sun at 90 degrees is part of the triangle of survey something which is very key in understanding why the sun is not 93 million miles away, but much closer. This objects size and distance whether projected or physical can be obtained accurately through triangulation and right triangles. The property you live on as well as the home or apartment you live in are examples of this methodology and geometry. They were all surveyed in. Keeping it simple.
Using Solo Timed Observation (STO) as in this example or Simultaneous Observation (SIMO), along with the Marx device, compass, and a digital protractor we can create a grid pattern to check the suns position with regards to both the globe and flat earth models. This grid is then used to verify whether the observation station (observer) is viewing the sun from a flat or curved surface. This essentially creates accountability within the system. Simply measuring the suns height (vertical angle) as shown can give us the answer to earths surface shape. Because understanding the the suns position our daytime sky is the real answer to determining earth's true surface shape, learning how is why I have developed this website. Keeping it simple.
Knowing the limit. This civil engineering example of bridge height. Probably the easiest to understand when vertical angle is exceeded in everyday life is the bridge height example as shown. Semi-trucks are standard height of 13'6". This means any bridge they travel under must be at least 13"6" in height or higher as shown on the right side of this example. On the left side of the slide example is a bridge height of 12'4" in height which is to low for the semi-truck to pass under. The result will be an accident and damage to the truck and bridge. Understanding the effects of vertical angle, keeping it simple.
Equipment required as shown. Always ensure to use eye protection when viewing the sun. Equipment used was based on ease of use, cost and being effective. Total cost was around $200.00 USD. Identifying the OS test equipment required to conduct direct sun angle measurements. This is used for testing the 45 degree sector.
1.The OS platform is a white dry erase board. 2.The digital protractor runs on 9volt battery 0-225 degree with .5 degree accuracy. The protractor also has a level bubble.
3.Tape measure for measuring OS platform height.
4.Sun shield for eye protecting when viewing the sun (should be used with sun glasses as well). 5.Marker pen for writing on dry erase board the test results.
6.Plum-bob and line for positioning the OS over the sun survey point.
7.Tri-level used for leveling the OS platform. 8.Survey marking stake (coin, bottle cap can be used). Mark the sun survey point.
9.Single level vile, used to check cross-level of the Marx device.
10.Compass to orient the Marx device on line of magnetic and measure sun azimuth.
11.Tripod used to hold the OS platform elevated.
Total equipment cost is right at $175.00 to $200.00 USD. One of the reasons I developed this process was to keep the experiment relatively inexpensive, available to anyone, cost was a factor in the process. Keep it simple yet very effective and accurate.
Identifying the OS test equipment required to conduct direct sun angle measurements. Testing the 45 degree sector. Orienting station equipment is described in in the video link provided;
Equipment required continued.
12. The Marx Sun Survey Device. An 18"-24" long by 6" wide piece of wood with two screw that suspend a string line 2.5" in height. Used to emplace an exact survey point using the sun when it is oriented 90 degrees to the sun using a compass along the line of magnetic. The small hole in the center of the board is for center mass to exact point once sun creates the shadow (center)line a marker can be emplaced thru the hole on the ground.
13. Sun glasses (eye pro) used when viewing the sun.
14. Manual protractor is used for checking the accuracy of the digital protractor. A angle must be drawn using the manual protractor. 15.Stabilizer board 18” x 18” piece of plywood used to shift the OS.
Knowing YOUR location and where the test will be done is essential. Knowing the sun seasons is also a major requirement. The farther you are from the sun the lower measured angles will be. However the standard remains the same. Testing within the tropics may actually yield lower vertical angles because of the greater distances the suns speed may also differ to change this, some thing to keep an eye on. The best testing times (optimum) are at the solstices (summer-winter) and the equinox. This is because for testing in either hemisphere (northern-southern), because the sun based on your location will be the closest in the respective hemisphere. Example for northern hemisphere would be June 20-21 and thirty days prior and after window (May 20th to July 20th). For southern hemisphere this would be December 20-21 and thirty days prior and after window. Example for southern hemisphere (November 20th to January 20th). If your located in the equatorial plane would be the equinox time frame.
The most important step in the whole process. Emplacing the SSP (manual alignment). Once this is achieved measurements and testing can begin. You have set the geometric edge, along the line of magnetic. This creates a line of accountability from which sun height measurements can now be taken accurately from, this removes any ambiguity. Once the survey point is marked when solar noon occurs the OS station can be set up over the sun survey point. Video on how to setup the sun survey point.
OS station setup always ensure platform is level and positioned over the SSP at or near1" using plumb line. The stabilizer board helps for ease of shifting the platform on initial setup and orienting towards the sun. I use duct tape to help keep the angle finder mounted steady on the platform base. There is separate section and video to show more in depth OS setup. Beginner setup can be achieved in around 5 minutes. With more experience right at 2 minutes setup time. The orienting station (OS) setup;
Step 1 Orient the stabilizer board towards the sun (marking the board to match the survey point helps).
Step 2 Attach the tripod to the OS platform and orient the center-line of the OS platform towards the sun.
Step 3 Emplace the digital protractor on the tripod (use of duct tape to attach the digital protractor to the OS platform maybe used).
Step 4 Set the OS platform height to half meter. Level and position the OS platform over the OS sun survey point. Use tri-level to level OS platform. This may require shifting of the tripod as well to position the radial arm over the OS survey point. Use of a stabilizer board helps facilitate this process much easier. Use a plum-bob to check position of the digital protractor over the sun survey point. Try to be within 1/2 inch of of center of the survey marker.
Step 5 check digital protractor level ensure level bubble is center. Adjust as required.
Step 6 Sight in on the sun first check, then check OS level, plum position and sun position. Use sun shield and eye protection when viewing the sun.
Step 7 Track sun movement 2 minute window. Recheck OS platform position is level and plumb, adjust as needed. Turn power ON the digital protractor.
Step 8 Measure sun height at required time for easterly 0900 hours, westerly 1500 hours. Or 3 hours from sun survey point time. The sun survey point may not always be 12:00 hours it is based on observer location to the sun, one the sun is at 90 degree to the observer. Sight in center mass of sun with digital protractor radial arm. Record the measured angle shown in the digital protractor window. Use of a whiteboard for the OS platform facilitates the recording process easily.
Step 9 Final data recordings. Measure azimuth to the sun from the OS using a compass. Do this by simply standing approximately 10 feet back aiming compass down along the digital protractor arm which was pointed at the sun, record the azimuth for record. Record OS elevation, GPS grid location, date, and time of observation for record.
Orient the OS using a compass at the designated azimuth or time at the sun and await alignment. Ideally orient the sun prior to designated time. Operator must track the suns position and be aware of designated directional azimuths and position alignment of the digital protractor allowing the sun to come into alignment. Remember to convert grid azimuths to magnetic, and back from magnetic to grid. Information on how to do this is located at the bottom of this page under the three north's section.
There are two methods for identifying sun position; (1)Time set and (2)sun plot. Timing is the key element of testing, it is very precise standard which must be met in accuracy when testing. Timing failures result in the suns differentiating speed. This can create distance less or greater than 45-degrees at 3 hours on the globe model. However, a predetermined azimuth from using a sun plot can ensure a distance of 45-degrees. In some cases the time set azimuth may occur prior to 3 hours in time. The operator must be aware and track time as well as azimuths. The predetermined azimuth (sun plot) method will show the difference, but also ensure correct distance is achieved. Through this we can now see how far the globe model may have been expanded in size by using the sun at the SSP. To account for this "magnetic declination" was created or *correction factor* for the globe model. We must also understand variances in the magnetic field may occur affecting this.
An example of a *sun plot* is provided. The predetermined azimuths are obtained from this.
In other words at the OS the operator will set a directional azimuth and await sun alignment. The azimuth is obtained by performing a sun plot to ensure 45-degrees distance on the globe model. This is the distance of 45 degrees between the OS and where the sun meets the earth. Magnetic declination must be known at the OS site. Declination must be known for your test area. Example; Declination is (-9W) Westerly grid azimuth 267degrees, operator orients the OS to magnetic azimuth 276 degrees (ADD 9 degrees) using a compass and awaits sun alignment and then measures sun height. For easterly reading the following day the grid azimuth is 93 degrees the operator will orients the OS to magnetic 102 degrees (ADD 9 degrees) using a compass and awaits alignment then measures the height of the sun (vertical angle). Operator will record the time of reading. If the time at reading exceeds three hours this is a timing failure (globe model). This is due to the variation in the suns speed. A declination section is located at the bottom of this page under understanding the three Norths.
From the OS measure the suns height at the designated times of observation from solar noon or the designated sun plot azimuth. Operator must track time as well as sun plot azimuth one may occur before the other. Ensure to use eye protection and sun shield when viewing the sun. Observer will measure center mass to the sun. Record the suns height for record. To measure the azimuth it is not required to look at the sun, simply measure the digital protractor direction by standing back from the digital protractor and using the compass aligning it on azimuth direction to record the azimuth.
Use the test box worksheet for both models fill in the information as shown. As shown the lower number (1) in the test box represents surface angle or the angle of the observer at the time of testing (observation). The upper number (2) is the measured sun height from the OS.
(3) is the sum total of (1) +(2). This number cannot exceed the limit 90. Apply the data to right triangle calculation. Example if your sum total observer angle is 45 + measured sun height is 50 = 95 or + 5 over the limit of 90. The +5 is then used in a right triangle calculation along with the suns said size at distance. See right triangle calculation steps in the section below.
Record data for record.
All points of the triangle are part of the physical reality we see they are the known. Whether the sun we see is projected or actual we can obtain a vertical angle measurement to it. Because of this we can preform a line of measure over the top of the sun we can now understand the sun is very close in our daytime sky at about 3000 - 4000 miles from earths surface. The sun is part of the triangle. Note the suns position in this diagram, the sun is the end of the orienting line (EOL) which is the line of measure survey (directional azimuth and height) from the OS to the sun. The sun the object of reference being 90 degrees to earth in the tropics (equatorial plane). The globe model maintains a tilt (the elliptic) to keep the sun at 90 degrees to earth. The sun at 90 degrees orbits over the flat earth model.
Using a right triangle calculator follow the 4 simple steps. The right triangle calculator can be found at ;
Right Triangle Calculator.NET
Example for 1 degree over the limit.
Ensure all fields are cleared and enter date required as shown in the example.
Once "calculate" tab is pressed, the information given for 1 degree over the limit example as it is shown. Note the suns size given, if line a is greater than the sun or half sun size you are no longer on alignment of the sun. This is a geometric failure for the globe model. The right triangle exposes the bad math based on an objects position using the measured azimuth and vertical angle to that object.
How to compute the number past line of parallel (over limit of 90) from the test box. Example is for 5.1 degree. This is the sum total number 95.1 subtracting the limit of 90 = 5.1. This number is entered in the RT calculator as <a.
As shown this example for a sun height reading of 5.1 degree over the globe model limit or a reading of 50.1 degrees to the sun.
Enter in the following information; <a ENTER 5.1= degrees passed line of parallel to sun this is the number over the limit of 90. This example was 95.1 -90 = +5.1
b ENTER 94,448,421 = suns distance in miles.
Once these two fields are entered ensure all other fields are left blank and press calculate. The answer will be in field a= 8,429,297 miles as shown in the results above. If this number is greater than suns size (965,370 miles) you are no longer looking at the sun center mass as was just measured in the test. You have exceeded the suns size at distance for the heliocentric model. This means your measuring the suns height from a flat surface not a curved one.
The example of 5.1 degree past the limit for the globe model. Note the (b) given distance distance and (a) the size in miles greater than the sun. (a) tells us the limit for the globe model is exceeded by vast distance and you are no longer on alignment with the sun (center mass). Remember in measuring the sun you are *visually* sighting in on it center mass.
The data form a 51.6 degree sun height reading during ORT 2020. Understanding what exceeds the globe model limit or beyond line of parallel at the suns size at its distance. Once the limit is exceeded you are no longer measuring sun at center mass.
Because the test is technically very accurate and exact even at 1 degree over the globe model limit. We can now see how far off alignment even at 1 degree. Because we are sighting in on the sun center mass we are actually only using the half sun size. The example of 1 degree past the limit for the globe model. Note the (b) given distance distance and (a) the size in miles greater than the sun. (a) tells us the limit for the globe model is exceeded by vast distance and you are no longer on alignment with the sun (center mass).
Line of Parallel:Is defined as two 90-degree lines in parallel. In application of using line of parallel for measuring vertical angle using the sun; line one is the sun at 90-degrees to earth, line two is the sum total of the observer angle to the sun + the measured height to the sun (vertical angle) as shown in the diagram line of parallel. Any angle from line 2 exceeding line of parallel exceeds the limit. Angles less than the sum total of 90 are within tolerance.
Understanding why lines of survey using triangulation tell us the sun is close and within our visual perspective. This can be achieved by performing technical measurements to the sun (vertical angle) because the sun is 90 degrees to the earth we can then obtain its actual distance and size as well as determine if we are measuring from a flat or curved surface. Any math solution would have to agree with the right triangle calculation. The right triangle will identify this once performed. Its why military science and civil engineering use this process. Any out of tolerance readings will exceed the objects size at distance as well as line of parallel. You would be unable to get a line of survey on the object because it would be outside our visual perspective (our vision limit).
1. Where do you find the right triangle calculator? You can find it at right triangle
2. Where is the suns distance entered on the calculator? Line b enter the suns distance in miles.
3. Is the suns distance always the same for line b? No it depends on the sun season. The suns distance for the heliocentric model will vary from 91-94 million miles in distance.
4. In the right triangle calculation, what is the other 90 degree? This is the sun at 90 degree where it makes contact with the earth. Its why it is called line of parallel as shown in slide 2 of this section. The observer angle plus the measure angle, sum together are the first line in line of parallel. The sun at 90 degrees is the second line in line of parallel.
The first step in setting up the OS is emplacing the stabilizer board facing the direction of the sun at the sun survey point. You can use a compass to check the azimuth of the oncoming sun. Mark the stabilizer board where the sun survey point is for ease of reference. The sun survey point in these photos is a blue bottle cap.
Having the tripod and OS platform (whiteboard) already connected and the digital protractor mounted on the platform can help with ease of use. Additionally the platform base height can be pre-adjusted to half meter. A strip of wood mounted to the underside of the OS platform helps attach the tripod tot he OS platform. Level the OS platform using tri-level and the digital protract level.
Set OS platform height to half meter from the ground. Remember ideally you want to be closest to earths surface as possible, a half meter is really the closest without digging into the ground. Use a tape measure to set and check this height. Re-check OS platform is level at designated height.
Step 4 Check plumb of OS station using a plumb-bob. The plum-bob should be set at the digital protractor radial arm. You want this section of the digital protractor over the sun survey marker.
Step 5 Measure the directional azimuth to the sun. There are two methods (1) predetermined azimuth using a sun plot method, (2) timing method. The sun plot is obtained by using digital mapping to acquire the correct predetermined directional azimuth to the sun. When using just straight timing method the azimuth to the sun is measured after the suns height is measured at a specific time. Example using three hours after and prior to sun survey time at the OS. If sun survey time is 13:15 the first reading is westerly at 15:15 hours. After obtaining the suns height using the digital protractor the operator simply uses a compass and positions to the back of the digital protractor and measures the azimuth center-line of the digital protractor to obtain the correct directional azimuth as shown above. The easterly reading will be the following day at 10:15 hours.
Steps 6-7. You want to make sure the OS station is oriented at the incoming (easterly) or outgoing (westerly) sun. If any movement of the orienting station is required always check that the OS is over the sun survey point or within 1". Also check the level of the OS platform. For timing method, sun observation reading times will be 3 hours after sun survey time (westerly) and 3 hours prior to sun survey time (easterly). For sun plot method the operator will obtain the directional azimuth using digital mapping to the suns position. Operator will record all OS data; date, time, location, elevation, and azimuth to the sun once obtained either by timing method or sun plot method. Note the operator will traverse onto the azimuth the suns directional position. This is called a graphic traverse.
Once the OS setup is complete. You are now ready to perform the observation. Remember to always use eye protection and a sun shield when viewing the sun.
The sun is the most logical choice when we look at determining earths trues surface shape. This is because if your model takes the sun by positioning and size at distance. It is the basis for either cosmology model (heliocentric or geocentric). This means you take everything in the cosmology game because without the sun that cosmology fails to exist as a relative functioning model. Hence why I went after testing the sun. Understanding how to use the sun along with military science and geometry to determine earths true surface shape. Its as simple as looking in the daytime sky based on where you live in the world and seeing the sun high in the sky, there is a point at which the high sun proves you live on a flat surface. It's what Heliocentric globe model failed to produce as part of the validation process. The sun and its position being #1 reason as evidence we live on a flat earth. Understanding how and why is the reason I have developed this process and information using military science, the sun, and geometry.
Many ask this question and its usually one of the first questions asked, what's the big deal on the shape of the earth, and why does it matter? It boils down to that age old battle mostly between heliocentric sciences story of everything was created in a Big Bang. The earth and everything was created in this explosion. Which tells us we were created as a cosmic accident in the chaos of space without purpose. The other is more or less religious based in that we were created by God, the creator, with this creation we have purpose and meaning along with the earth. Make no mistake this is the biblical version of creation of man by intelligent design Some may view this as a form of creation by a higher intelligence. Hence why the flat earth model is biblical. And why the globe differs and is tied in to the heliocentric model. This is the WHY it's the BIG deal and leads into one or more constructs (doctrine) whether you believe in the Heliocentric (globe) or Geocentric (flat earth) model.
Through this testing process and validation the results give us a far different answer and picture of what the Heliocentric model tells us. The test results lead us into a Geocentric, enclosed world flat earth model. The Geocentric model now more than ever becomes our physical reality of the world and nature we live in which has been created for us. The sciences, including physics, geometry and Mother Nature , the natural sciences all which tell us we live on a flat earth enclosed world all work together hand in hand. The sky above us is an intricate clock system that's used for telling of seasons, eclipses. hours, days, and years which was described in detail in the Ptolemaic system centuries ago. Nikola Tesla understood this when he made the quote directed at Albert Einstein and the heliocentric community "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experimentation and they wonder off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality". Meaning they made the universe (the sky above us) mathematics, something it was never intended to be.
The flat earth creation model is tied biblically as one. With a creator who is very efficient in the creation of the flat earth and us as humans with direct purpose and intent. Christian's are only fooling themselves for those who try to tie in the globe to the creation model. Its like trying to fit a round peg into a square, it just doesn't fit. The geometrics and natural order facilitate the creation model soo much more effectively with purpose and intelligent design from a loving creator as described in the bible.
The cosmic accident globe model is tied to the theory of evolution. Without the big bang (globe model) there is no theory of evolution, they exist hand in hand. Sometimes one has to stand back and look at the big picture of how things line up. The "globe" is not the creation model.
Testing on both sides of the terrestrial earth using the sun reveal earths surface as flat. Test conducted in Kabul, Afghanistan and in North Carolina, United States. Tests in Kabul being the most significant because test elevation was at 5,963' (right at a mile) above sea level which should have yielded far lower measured sun height (40-42 degrees) but did not, the opposite occurred with measured sun height over 50 degrees.
.The enclosed world flat earth model, not all flat earther's believe in an enclosed model system. For some the models vary. This model depicts the entire operating system. The sun shown here is a projected object which requires a power sources using the star field in the firmament above to provide the required power. The moon would be a similar operating system as a projected object. The tides and star field movement maybe interlinked and connected this is because the saltwater facilitates the power grid system just as fluid in a car battery does for that batteries cells. The stars being made of a crystal quartz, not all, are power generators some may only be projected objects within the system. A canal system which is located around the entire flat earth under Antarctica would facilitate this process. After all our entire atmosphere is electric, this also would facilitate gravity within the system being electric with elevation being a key factor. This has already been demonstrated in an experiment.
.The enclosed world big picture. The very basic operating system yet has some complexities. The electric operating system which uses electro- static field. One of the main reasons the oceans are salt water. Gravity working just as well without the spin.
I was sent an email by a reader in regards to sunsets. He said "Corey sunset's are the pink elephant in the room everyone seems to miss proving flat earth". Initially I have stayed away from sunsets because of the heavy lensing effect and refraction. Heliocentrist will claim a 2 degree difference at sunset or 2 degrees below what is actually measured. In any case I decided to conduct a test a see for myself. Test conducted on 30 March 2023 with solar noon at the OS occurring at 12:50 hours. I measured the suns height at 18:50 hours or 6 hours past solar noon with a reading of 9.5 degrees. Azimuth to the sun was 5000 mils from the OS. This result exceeds the globe model of 0 degrees. OS platform height was .5 meter above the earth at elevation of 181 feet above sea level. The sun was at 2 degrees at 19:20 hours which is a timing failure as well for the globe model by 30 minutes. There's almost two months to go before the summer solstice of June 20 with the sun already being out of position or to high in the sky for the globe model.
Thank you for all your emails to those visiting the website. Some of the emails with regards to the 45 degree sector test and diagrams sent by individual readers, great work by the way! The word is getting out and people are learning how to use the sun using vertical angle. For some it takes a few times reviewing the information before understanding how it all works.
Why we shouldn't use the Eratosthenes experiment. Ambiguity plain and simple. Example to get the number 4 we can use multiple ways in math, multiplication, addition, subtraction or division to get the number 4. In this experiment a percentage is used as part of the circle. This is a very poor process and example of what NOT to do in testing the earth's surface. It really ends up being more of a math problem than experiment. In other words we can get multiple results from this process, this is not the definitive test. As shown in the slide we can use sun angle and shadow angle adding the sum of the two to get 90 degrees at the stick, result being earths surface is flat. We can adjusts the sticks size (height) to get the different results. The correct process and application should be to measure direct sun angle from the earths surface at designated distance such as the 45-degree sector test. This can then be applied based on the objects said size at distance using right triangle calculation to see if your measuring from a flat or curved surface. The early experiment has red flags all over it, meaning we don't know the size of the stick and whether it was put in at 90 degrees (perfectly straight). This is a major failure in many aspects of accuracy and legitimacy. The sticks height maybe adjusted for shadow length as well. However this test is ambiguous meaning we can get different results, the heliocentrist use it because it works for their model.
The low sky helps facilitate the SDA as we view the sun from the terrestrial earth. The firmament and how its designed along with very limited human eyesight make a low ceiling view of our sun a reality on how we see it in the our human visual perspective in the sky. The above example is the observer at position #1 views the sun at measured 70 degree azimuth, however by the timing ring on the flat earth Gleason's map the sun is at 45 degrees at position #2. This gives a difference of -25 degrees from position 1. The observer is actually seeing the sun thru a side view of the firmament at 70 degrees from a distance. A video will be provided in the near future to show how this exactly works.
The low sky ceiling and water in our atmosphere creates a glassing effect as shown in the above diagram. We can just make out the suns actual position from its viewed position by the observer. This difference in location can be up to 25 degrees in our atmosphere from where we actually see it. This is the solar declination angle (SDA). This photo was taken from the video which is located on the homepage of this website. This is also why we may see two suns in our sky at certain times and locations because of this glassing effect in our atmosphere.
The flat earth model ceiling maybe more of a petri dish design. This would facilitate several things one being the effect of greater distance in smaller area, as well as giving the visual effects of light and darkness regionally. The layered petri dish form maybe part of the dome top maybe a fluid filled field (encased) which the sun operates in. This would also give a glassing effect, especially on the sun. The sun may actually be controlled by electric field based on frequency generated pulse in a coil form for the sun to follow. Within the fluid power field energy is then generated creating its own power grid making it self supportive.
Ideally you want the entire system to be self supportive operating system for the echo-system and a civilization to exist.
The 45 degree sector test box is simple, its designed to test the validity of the said curve (the observer surface angle) to the object of reference using the sun if it exists. There are a total of eight 45 degree sectors in the globe model, we need only test one for it's validity. Each model the globe and flat earth model have a total value of 90 degree. This is because a sun survey point is established using the sun, a Marx Device and compass which set the geometric 90 degree line between the sun and the observer. This is now the correct earth to sun alignment on the line of magnetic. The observer at three hours from sun survey time 12;00 is now oriented 45 degree from the sun (0900 easterly/1500 westerly) times. The globe model observer is oriented 45 degrees to the sun which leaves only 45 degrees of measurable sun angle which when added together equal a maximum of 90 degree to meet the standard. All measurements are taken from the orienting station (OS) at the sun survey point.
The test box is designed specifically to test the geometric shape of earths shape be it flat or curved. The test box results will determine earths true surface shape. Each model having a total value of 90 degree test set parameter scale. This includes each models surface angle plus the measured direct sun angle from the OS. Both are added together as a composite sum not to exceed 90 degree, once 90 degree is exceeded that model is out of tolerance and goes into geometric failure. The test can be performed by either solo timed observation (STO) one observer, or simultaneous observation (SIMO) two observers. Note the observer angle for each model. In the globe model the observer angle is 45 degree, and the flat earth model the observer is at 0 degree. This is a key fundamental element many hardcore heliocentrist's ignore or have very little experience in dealing with in applied geometry which gets the globe model in trouble with in the correct validation process.
An updated 45 degree sector diagram. It's as simple as counting 3 - 4 - 5, or 3 hours equals 45 degrees. There are eight 45 degree sectors for the globe and flat earth models, totaling 24 hours in one day. We can verify this by emplacing a sun survey point to check timing and position. In testing both models (globe and flat earth) we must understand the 45 degree sector test and how to perform it step by step using Solo Timed Observation (STO) or Simultaneous Observation (SIMO). Timing is everything, at the three hour mark the observer is oriented 45 degree from the object of reference which is the sun. This means there is now a line of parallel at a cumulative composite sum of 90 degree as shown in this diagram. Discover the validation process and how to use the sun as the reference object. Learning this process and test application puts the power of discovery in you the individuals hand, and not in some agency or organizations production. Its what Heliocentric science failed to give us, an exact geometric step by step validation process. After all knowledge is the ultimate power.
The test set parameter scale for both models requires each model to work within the allotted 90 degree scale. This is because the object of reference is the sun which is 90 degrees to a person, place, or thing every second of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every year on this earth whether you believe you live on a sphere or flat earth. In more simple terms it is within our visual perspective. Its why the U.S. military uses the sun as well in some if its celestial survey applications for positioning of artillery units. The sun is the gold standard. This will also tell us if earths curve is real in the 45 degree sector when tested to this standard. In testing both models are pinned to the 90 degree mark at the OS. Any composite sum reading exceeding 90 degrees pulls that model off the OS and then the objects said size at distance must be considered. Example would be for the heliocentric globe model would be allowed 90.3 for half sun at distance (93 million miles), as we are only using half sun or center mass of the sun. You will note this in the diagram shown by the blue arrow.
Probably one of the most important diagrams to understand is the Sun Clock as well as Sun Clock Time. Timing is everything, understanding how it works is even more important. If we are to assume the earth is a globe as were told in the Heliocentric model then we can break down the sphere into geometric sectors using both position and time as shown. The breakdown is done in eight 45 degree sectors with 3 hours of sun time between each sector as shown for a total of 24 hours. Sun position time to the observer at the OS for sun survey point is 90 degree. This is verified by using the Marx device. Note it may not always be 12:00 hours at the sun survey point. This is due to observer location. Example would be sun survey time is 12:45 hours. in other words the sun is 90 degree to the observer at 12:45 hours. Reading times would then be 09:45 easterly and 15:45 (3:45pm) westerly reading times. We can verify this by emplacing a sun survey point at the orienting station as valid, because the sun will show up at that sun survey mark 24 hours later. A rule of thumb to remember is 3 - 4 - 5 or 3 hours equal 45 degrees. The spherical shape shown or the outline was taken from the 2012 Blue Marble image we are given by NASA. Will show you how to set up a sun survey point in the following information section using a compass, the sun and the Marx device. Another important piece of information is this, that if the earth is not a perfect sphere as were shown, it is the best case scenario for the Heliocentric model, because if the earth is not a perfect sphere it only gets worse in geometric angle for that model.
The two greatest factors when testing using the sun. These are elevation and distance. Test location elevation need to be known this is because it will affect measure sun angle readings. The higher in elevation you are the lower measured sun angle readings will be. The other major factor is distance between you and the suns 90 degree position on earths surface. If you are farther north or south in respective hemispheres you may be beyond 45 degrees. This is why a sun plot should be used to verify distance for the globe model (step 6).
When performing a sun plot using a globe. Typically these globe models are not the best to use, this is because of the way the mapping is attached on the ball form, there are gaps as you can see by this model. Digital models are the better model (google earth/ google earth PRO/ArGiS)to use performing a sun plot. This model is used as an example to show what the actual sun plot would look like from Tampa Florida (red dot) in the United States to the sun (yellow dot) at the Tropic of Cancer during the summer solstice. The directional azimuth is measured and set at the OS too where the sun will be based on the mapping, ensure to remember to convert the azimuth between GRID North and Magnetic north. For Tampa Florida this is -6 degree west. This means GRID azimuth of 86 degrees converted to MAGNETIC azimuth of 92 degrees (easterly reading). The westerly reading would be 274 GRID North convert to 280 degrees MAGNETIC azimuth. The scale of this globe shown is 15 degrees for each latitude and longitude square shown. This 15 degrees represents distance as well as curvature (surface angle) on the globe model. Remember a sun plot should be used to verify distance for the globe model (step 6) in the 9 step geometric validation process.
Understanding how to determine surface angle on the globe model as shown in the above diagram. Many globe models cane be viewed having these guide rails which show the degrees in surface and distance. The rings of latitude and longitude form geometric circles on the globe model. These circles can then be broken down into sectors by distance. Examples 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees, 60 degrees, or greater. Distance on the globe model equates to surface angle.
Once we understand the geometric shape of the rings we can then determine surface angle based on distance. A better view of this is when we turn the globe on its side as shown in the above diagram. The rings of latitude being 360 degrees circles on the globe model.
Correct earth to sun alignment is essential in correctly measuring direct sun angle from the sun survey point. The Marx Device in use, note the sun shadow line with the sun at 90 degree to the OS. The Marx device is oriented north-south by use of a compass. The sun was south approximately 765 miles of this OS position located in Kabul, Afghanistan. Once correct earth to sun alignment is achieved this is whats called "setting the geometric edge".
The actual Marx Device used during Operation Resolute Time 2020. The first initial use of the Marx Device found the OS sun survey point off by approximately 22 minutes. A single level vile is used to check the cross level of the device when emplaced. The hole located in the center of the board is for marking and emplacing a stake or bottle cap which then becomes the sun survey point marker. The sun survey point also designates the 45 degree sector at 3hours by the sun returning 24 hours later to the same marked survey point plus around 2". The difference being the suns different path if you believe in the FE model or the earths different orbital rotation path, either way there is only 3hours. in each 45 degree sector. The sun survey point verifies this. This is the accountability within this process.
The first sun survey point method was emplaced by using tripods and a string line between them. A compass was used to orient the string line on magnetic north. The Marx Device was soon developed after this method which improved accuracy and timing of the sun survey point. The Marx Device is named after Latvian Special Operations Force (LATSOF) soldier 1st Sergeant Marx who helped me build the very first device.
The sun as it nears the 90 degree center line of magnetic from ground up skyward perspective. The sun was south of the observer in this picture. This experiment was to view the sun and its movement as it crosses the 90 degree set line (north-south line of magnetic), from the observer on ground. This is the view of proper earth to sun alignment along the line of magnetic (what it actually looks like) from the observer OS (orienting station) sun survey point. Timing is the primary essential element as well within this process, that being three hour time mark after and prior to sun survey time. This is because three hours equates to 45 degrees. The sun will show up 24 hours the next day right on time at the marked location. within inches.
Understanding the test site locations and how the sun season will effect test results. Testing inside the prime meridian zones will result in higher sun angles this is because the orienting station (OS ) is now closer to the sun. Testing outside the prime meridian zone will result in lower sun angles this is due to the OS being farther from the sun. The Operation Resolute Time test site was located 765 miles north of the northern prime meridian the Tropic of Cancer. Test results should have yielded far lower direct sun angles if the earth was a globe or sphere. This however was not the case, the exact opposite happened with direct sun angle readings exceeding 50 degrees. In other words the sun is to high in the sky at 0900 and 1500 hours, meaning the geometric surface of earth is flat. The other major effect on testing is the sun season. The most difficult test time for the globe model to pass is late Spring and Summer sun seasons. Again this is because the sun location is closer to the OS at this time. This was evident during testing in Operation Resolute Time 2020, as the globe model failed 70% of tests. Tests conducted in late Spring and Summer demonstrated geometric failure in the globe model during these sun seasons.
Setting the geometric edge (correct earth to sun alignment) is essential first step in determining earths true geometric shape. Understanding the sector balance within the test zone is key. This means readings prior to 3 hours or just after three hours will be out of balance when applied to the 45 degree sector. Example would be an easterly reading time of 08:30 hours from sun survey time of 12:00 hours exceeds the 45 degree sector by 30 minutes. Or if the reading was taken at 15:30 hours, 30 minutes past the 3 hour mark for westerly reading time. if the sun survey point was emplaced at 12:00 hours. These are shown in the diagram above with the red arrows. It's the step the heliocentric globe model left out (setting the geometric edge). This step is key figuring the correct geometric alignment of earth to the sun. The alignment angle of earth to sun must be measured from the OS once the sun survey point is emplaced. The OS can be anywhere along the magnetic line either inside or outside the prime meridian zone. The OS does not have to be a vertical 90 degree, it can be anywhere along the north - south magnetic line. Remember at 24 hours the sun will return back near the sun survey point mark. Use of a compass and Marx Device fulfills this important requirement. The maximum sun angle measurement for the globe model to be valid is 45 degree from the established sun survey point at the designated balanced times (easterly-westerly). This is known as the line of parallel.
Emplacing the Marx Device and timing as shown in the above picture. Note once the sun is 90 degree to the magnetic line which cast (shadow line) from the string which is oriented magnetic north using a compass as the OS. Once the sun survey point is established direct sun angle measurements can be taken. This is what's called setting the geometric edge. We must remember the sun whether you believe your on a globe or flat earth, the sun is 90 degree to a person,place, or thing every second of every minute of every day of every year. This is the maximum forward angle to the sun on earth, meaning a perfect 90 vertical degree. We can now create a 90 degree sheath along the line of magnetic from the sun survey point. This line of magnetic travels as far as you can see the sun north-south, once it is emplaced by the observer at the sun survey point. This is the essential initial step for determining correct earth sun alignment.
How to set in the sun survey point using the Marx device video link;
The very first Marx Device used in Operation Resolute Time 2020 from 7 February to 8 August 2020. The Marx Device is used to emplace the sun survey point from which to measure direct sun angle from in determining earths true surface shape. This is accomplished with the use of a compass which sets the sting line on the magnetic north-south line of orientation. This device is a manual alignment device for the observer to be aligned to the sun at a directional angle of 90 degrees to an exact point on earth along the line of magnetic at an exact time. The Marx Device is used to set the geometric edge from which to accurately measure direct sun angles from. Note the hole in the center of the board, this is to mark the sun survey point once the sun is 90 degree to the observer. This is shown by a shadow line that is created by the sun as it casts a shadow of the sting line on the board. The Marx device was named after 1SG Marx of the Latvian Special Operations Forces (LATSOF) who helped me build the very first device in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Making of the MARX device is a very simple process. The Marx device is used to emplace a sun survey point and obtain manual alignment of the OS on the line of magnetic or grid north and the sun tot he exact position on earth.
Use a piece of wood approximately 18" long by 6"wide by 1/2" thick. Ensure the wood is not bowed or warped and straight. Drill a 1" to 1"1/4 diameter hole in the center of the piece of wood . This is to emplace the sun survey marker on the exact spot on the ground once alignment is obtained with the sun.
Emplace two screw or nails 3" in length into the wood center line of the wood as shown. This is to emplace a string line elevated above the wood approximately 2.5" as shown. The string line creates a shadow from the sun. The operator uses a compass to orient the MARX device on magnetic or Grid north. Alignment is done with compass heading aligned on string line.
What vital information ORT 2020 gave us, understanding observer location and sun season. ORT 2020 test site location 765 miles north of the tropic of Cancer at high altitude above 5000' above sea level should of yielded vertical sun height measurements at or below 40 degrees during the summer sun season This however was not the case, in fact just the opposite occurred with sun height measurements above 50 degrees in testing the globe model. This far exceeded the globe models limit for the 45 degree sector tests conducted during 6 month period (87 tests conducted). With a failure rate right at 58% for the globe model, this resulted in catastrophic geometric failure for the globe model. And the flat earth model passing all vertical angle tests.
When verifying an objects said size at said distance a range fan is utilized to compute accuracy of this information. For one degree past line of parallel using either STO or SIMO (minimal degree example) which is a direct measured angle of 46 degree using the heliocentric model you now have exceeded that models tolerance by over 1,638,664 miles. If we subtract the suns actual size or half sun of 482,685 miles again the heliocentric model is still exceeded by 1,155,979 miles. Remember as the observer the sun is center mass to the observer. This now puts the observer off line of survey or sun target line (line of survey) when using the heliocentric globe model. Unlike the flat earth model which has full 90 degree measurable direct sun angle which puts the flat earth model well within tolerance.
The OS can be anywhere in the world. From the OS we use a compass to determine the line of magnetic from that position. Line of magnetic is the magnetic north-south line and is read by using a compass at the sun survey point. This means inside or outside the zones of prime meridian (Tropic of Cancer-North, Equator-Central, Tropic of Capricorn-South). Once established the OS which is emplaced on the sun survey point when the sun is 90 degree to the observer. The line of magnetic now becomes the line of accountability. The OS location along the line of magnetic is now pinned and vertical angle readings from it are now affected by its position/location. The measured sun height readings are no longer ambiguous. The heliocentric globe models sun size at distances of between 91 to 94 million miles. Flat earth keeping it simple.
Use of the digital protractor was selected for its ease of use, ability to measure angles at very low height to the earths surface all while maintaining high degree of accuracy in measurement. It's as easy as level, point at your object, click on the reading (instrument display) and that's it. When verified against a manual protractor there was no difference in angle measured. This model has a +- of half a degree accuracy. It measures angles from 0-225 degrees. Priced right at $35.00 USD.
Using the digital protractor we must ensure it's accuracy, one way to do this is check an angle that is drawn out using a manual protractor on a white board. Once this is accomplished take the digital protractor and align it on the angle drawn. In the test we used an angle of 45 degree which when we tested it with the digital protract there was no difference in angle reading. We have now verified the digital protractors accuracy. This test should be done prior to any STO or SIMO tests measuring sun angle to ensure accuracy of readings.
The sun survey positioning is critical in the process of ensuring the geometric edge is set from which to take direct sun angle readings to and from. This is obtaining correct earth to sun alignment. The observer must understand the sun season and his/her location inside or outside the tropics the suns operating zone, and latitude. This will tell where the sun position to the observer will be in the daytime sky. Another important fact and that is the farther you are away from the prime meridian the lower the observer sun angle at the OS will be, this must be understood, and the effect it will have when testing both models. It is also important to understand that in a 24 hour period the sun will be right back near the sun survey point usually within 6-12 inches. This difference is based on movement of the sun to and from the prime meridian. Direct sun angle readings were also taken over a long period than one day from the sun survey point to make note in the angle reading versus a 24 hour period.. The most important factor being the sun at 90 degree to the observer at the OS to set in the sun survey point using a compass and the Marx device The easiest example of this would be to imagine standing in the threshold of a doorway, where the walls are 90 degree as you stand in the doorway, (left, right and vertical).
Marx Sun Survey Positioning Device is instrumental for emplacement of a sun survey point at the OS. Using a simple piece of plywood approximately 6" wide and 24" in length with a hole cut in the center and two fasteners or nails centered on each end to support a string. The string is used to reflect a shadow line on the board from the sun as it moves across the sky. The Marx device is oriented north-south magnetic by using a compass. Simply orient the center string line along magnetic north using a compass. Example of this would be at (12:00 hours) at the OS sun survey point or once the sun is 90 degree to the observer, meaning the shadow line will be center-lined on the Marx Device. A stake or bottle cap can be used to mark the new survey point. This is the reason for the hole in the center of the board. Again remember the Marx device is oriented north-south by magnetic compass at the OS location. A cross-level vile is used to ensure the device is level as to not introduce angle error A tri-level may also be used to level the device on the ground. The sun survey point is emplaced at solar noon once alignment has occurred. The survey point can be emplaced daily or as sun illumination permits. Survey points were used daily and over 3-4 day length to see the effect on measured sun angles.
For ease of use with a tripod, mounting a small piece of wood on the OS platform underside is required. This will allow for the tripod to attach to the OS platform securely. I used a strip of wood three screws and adhesive for this. The strip of wood is approximately 1.5 inches wide by 13 inches in length. For ease of use I marked where the tripod grips to the wood base. Of important note I also used duct tape to keep the digital protractor to the OS platform for ease of use and to stabilize it during periods of high wind. I used a whiteboard for the OS base, this can also be used to record data easily.
The orienting station (OS) setup;
Step 1 Orient the stabilizer board towards the sun (marking the board to match the survey point helps).
Step 2 Attach the tripod to the OS platform and orient the center-line of the OS platform towards the sun.
Step 3 Emplace the digital protractor on the tripod (use of duct tape to attach the digital protractor to the OS platform maybe used).
Step 4 Set the OS platform height to half meter. Level and position the OS platform over the OS sun survey point. Use tri-level to level OS platform. This may require shifting of the tripod as well to position the radial arm over the OS survey point. Use of a stabilizer board helps facilitate this process much easier. Use a plum-bob to check position of the digital protractor over the sun survey point. Try to be within 1/2 inch of of center of the survey marker.
Step 5 check digital protractor level ensure level bubble is center. Adjust as required.
Step 6 Sight in on the sun first check, then check OS level, plum position and sun position. Use sun shield and eye protection when viewing the sun.
Step 7 Track sun movement 2 minute window. Recheck OS platform position is level and plumb, adjust as needed. Turn power ON the digital protractor.
Step 8 Measure sun at required time for easterly 0900 hours, westerly 1500 hours. Or 3 hours from sun survey point time. The sun survey point may not always be 12:00 hours it is based on observer location to the sun, one the sun is at 90 degree to the observer. Sight in center mass of sun with digital protractor radial arm. Record the measured angle shown in the digital protractor window. Use of a whiteboard for the OS platform facilitates the recording process easily.
Step 9 Final data recordings. Measure azimuth to the sun from the OS using a compass. Do this by simply standing approximately 10 feet back aiming compass down along the digital protractor arm which was pointed at the sun, record the azimuth for record. Record OS elevation and GPS grid location for record.
The orienting station (OS) setup is very simple, but there are important steps one must know how to perform each correctly, and why. Setup can be accomplished in about 5-10 minutes for a beginner and about 3 minutes once you learn the process. You will note duct tape was used to help stabilize the digital protractor, this helps against higher wind or windy test conditions to stabilize the device on the platform.
Corey conducting a STO easterly reading time at 0900 in Kabul Afghanistan. Use of a sun shield and sun glasses for eye protection during solar observation. These tests were conducted in a war zone, 765 miles north of the Tropic of Cancer. This reading was 50.1 degree, which exceeds the allowed tolerance for the globe model by 5.1 degree, this gives a total composite sum angle of 95.1 degree. For the flat earth model the 50.1 degree is well within the flat earth models tolerance with a total composite sum angle of 50.1 degree
Understanding the effects of elevation on test readings. The higher in elevation the test site is located the lower the measured sun angle will be as a result. If we look at the examples shown the highest sun angle readings should be at sea level. Now one thing that must be considered is if the sun dips towards earth this could effect the reading at lower elevation. Further testing of the sun will determine if this is true or not. However, these examples given provide a clear example of the effect of elevation has on measured angles.
1. Video on OS equipment identification and required for orienting station setup.
2. Setup of the sun survey point and how it works using the Marx device.
3. Flatoberfest 2021 presentation using the sun is on the home page of this website.
1. (Info Wars introductory on Flat Earth).
2. (Flat Earth Clues) Mark Sargent
3. (The Greatest Lie on Earth Proof Our World is not moving) Edward Hendrie
4. (Interview with Corey on Strange World #279)
5. Flat Earth Documentary 2020 Part II by ODDTV.
6. Force of Gravity how it works.
7. Double Slit Experiment
8. Dome refraction how it works.
9. Time zones and the issues on the globe model by expert navigator of the oceans Herve Riboni (flat earther).
They found more of everything, meaning land. In 1947 they the US went looking for hidden Nazis bases at the end of WWII. But something happened, something really big, like the coastline line going in the wrong direction. Meaning for the globe model at long distances the coastline would graduated back in towards the land. But instead the land kept going back out towards the ocean. And that's a BIG problem for the globe model. The land was going in the wrong direction. And yes your going to work the coastline heavily looking for entry points and bases the Nazis would of used back in 1947. Byrd being both an exceptional explorer and navigator piecing this together, I'm quite sure reported this up the chain saying hey this place is bigger than advertised by a lot!
They would have used transponders as well to position mark the coastline for tracking and position referencing. Especially long distances using aircraft. Once they discovered Antarctica was a lot bigger, they had to go back to explore for more answers as to the why. And that's just what they did.
Circumnavigation of Antarctica is not required to prove the globe or flat earth. How they figured it out in Antarctica made simple. Use of dead reckoning navigation required in the south back in the late 40's early 50's. In the example shown the sizes of Antarctica for both models is given approximately 11,000 miles for the globe model and 59,000 for the FE model. At these size differences you will note the difference in degree based on the continent size. For the globe model this meant directional change of 33.3 degree at around 1000 miles inland or towards the continent itself. Where as the FE model would graduate out towards the ocean at 15 degrees far more gradual at greater distance of 2400 miles. The stark difference would be known by navigational experts such as Byrd, something the navigational armchair warriors would miss. Keeping it simple.
Understanding the continents of Antarctica's shape with regards to the flat earth or globe model will give us the answer. The severe angular degree for the globe model is vastly different from the flat earth model, hence circumnavigation of the entire continent is not required. Dead reckoning for navigation in the south however is. Through this method we can easily identify which model would be correct and which is not. In the example shown we can compare several key areas (1 and 2) and (3 and 4) as to the angular direction from each. Areas 1 and 2 are in almost 90 degree angular direction of each other, while areas 3 and 4 are in a 90 degree right angle from each other. In dead reckoning navigation this would be clearly evident from the air by aircraft surveying the coastline of the Antarctic continent. In stark contrast the flat earth model would have the coastline of Antarctica gradually pushing back away from the continent towards the ocean, appearing almost linear, or paralleling the ocean. Again this telling the early exploration the earth in the south is vastly different from the globe model. Keeping it simple.
The Bedford level experiments of 1838-39 performed by Samuel Birley Rowbotham on the Bedford canal which runs straight approximately 6 miles in length uninterrupted. The example shown above is a diagram depicted from Robothum's experiment in which the object of reference a flag (a marker) was seen from 6 miles when viewed down the Bedford canal. If the earth were a globe this flag should not have been seen, or below earths said curve or out of view from the observer. When conducting experiments at the 10-15 degrees from the horizon we must understand effects of weather, temperature and atmospherics which can effect experiment results. These effects can be used in the interest to benefit the outcome or result of the experiment in the favor of one party or another. Rowbotham's extensive use of geometry for proof and providing evidence of flat earth is shown in his published works Earth not a Globe.
Experiments that proved the earth was flat and not moving. The Bedford Level Experiment by Samuel Birley Rowbotham of 1838, then the 1887 with the Michelson and Morley Experiment and then again in 1913 with French Scientist Georges Sagnac using an inferometer which later led to the development of what is now called Gyroscope. Both of these experiments disproved Einstein's theory of relativity, and his admitted failure with regards to this key scientific doctrine of Heliocentrism. Michelson won a Nobel prize in Physics in 1907. Science at that time was trying to validate earths movement through these experiments, however when they failed this created huge problem for the heliocentric scientific community. Something had to be done, hence the theory of relativity was brought in. Note *theory*. Both the Michelson and Morley experiment and Sagnac's experiment meant that the Geocentric flat earth model was scientifically valid. Meaning the earth was not moving, but the objects in the sky, sun, moon and stars above us all were.
French scientist Georges Sagnac's 1913 experiment was in the battle of science in the early 19th century. Sagnacs experiment was a recreation of the Michelson and Morley experiment of 1887 testing motion and light. In simple terms its like tossing a stone in to a pond or lake that is like glass to see the ripple effect. Or in this case the existence of a substance said to be permeating space called aether. This was due to Einsteins theory on relativity which simply removed the aether from the equation. Sagnacs experiment would show that the aether did in fact exist and the theory of relativity was flawed. Of importance if the sun is a *projected object* both Sagnac's diagram and Michelson Morley diagram are probably similar
to a projected support system from which the sun and moon are shown in the vaulted dome sky above.
This diagram may give evidence as to how the real projected sun in our sky moves through series of projection devices. A very intricate display system.
The centers of influence are all around us as shown above. Of particular note when investigating and doing research into the earths true geometric shape I find at each pivotal crossroad the Heliocentric model uses heavy doses of theory to support its validity. I give case in point Nicolas Copernicus theory of the heliocentric model is just that, he never validated his model. In other words there is no step by step validation process thru experimentation given to us and in our education system. Copernicus was afraid to release his model and for good reason. I believe he knew there were issues with the geometry not aligning up, "the vertical angles" (sun to earth) or in fact he was missing a primary step which is setting the geometric edge from which to take measurements using the sun. When reviewing the geocentric flat earth model I find evidences of scientific experimentation completed. Yet there will be those who tell us well here is a picture of the world you live on this should be evidence enough. And then I think wait, would you buy a car or home just by looking at a picture and not investigating or doing a walk through of it, or test driving the vehicle? Now some may say well yes I have, and for them that's evidence enough, but don't expect the rest of us to. After all earth is our home.
Some may talk of the clouds being illuminated by the sun and a certain shape of the earth. Two pictures from my camping and fishing trips in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state exhibit A and B. Exhibit A appears to show the cloud bottoms being illuminated by a distant sun right at sunset. We must understand cloud density and size as well in all of this. The sun on a flat earth would be about 6000+ miles or so (linear distance not height). One has to understand timing and the Gleason's 1892 flat earth map to know the distance and location of the sun in the equatorial plane for the FE model. Note #2 the light ray caught in this photo in what appears to be blue haze. One of the areas using clouds that works against the globe model would be the clouds would be angled to the earth in this case a sunset which would work against cloud bottoms being illuminated geometrically. Clouds would conform to earths shape in the globe model. I personally am not sold on the idea of clouds an illumination as evidence of the shape of the earth. Why not just measure the suns height? Much more accurate and definitive, keep it simple.
Exhibit B, in the picture the sun is a bit higher and not right as sunset. Note the cloud illumination of the thinner clouds in this photo as well. This photo was taken at Kalaloch beach in Washington state. Note the intense sunlight and some cloud tops being illuminated and the difference between both photos and the suns position. The sun would be approximately 4500 miles in distance on the FE model (linear distance not height). Something that needs to be considered are the heights of the clouds from earth as well. This would affect light rays coming in on them and how they are illuminated.
Using the M2A2 aiming circle the orienting station (OS) can utilize both the sun or stars to emplace survey in orienting the gun-line on direction of fire. This method of lay or survey is used by airborne artillery units. Extensive use of celestial survey techniques and triangulation in applied geometry. Through this extensive use in the field of military science we can exclude atmospheric lensing at higher elevations or 15 degree above the horizon. This is because this procedure is a celestial survey and is bumped or checked via another method of survey lay using grid magnetic which is less tan 1/3 of a degree 99% of the time.
Basic geometry as shown using circles in the field of military science. Aiming circle and safe circle are the same type of device. As shown the increments are in mils, there are 6400 mils in a complete circle. You will note some numbers are in red, this is used for when the aiming circle and safe circle bump or verify lay of survey. The mil number on the outer ring are read in. Meaning read from outside in. In this example shown the circles are bumped at 1600 mils as shown by the red arrows. On the actual circles the mils are in 100 mil increments and a micrometer knob which reads in one mil increments 0-99 mils. This completes readings in mills up to a complete 6400 mil circle. When verifying lay of circle, or as known as (BUMPING Circles) where each circle operators turn an angle on each other, circle operators rule of thumb when verifying lay is if you see RED you read RED. Methods of lay (survey) using the M2A2 aiming circle are; grid magnetic, orienting angle (OA), celestial survey, star shot, sun shot, Polaris-Kochab, and SIMO-survey transfer.
Understanding the use of Military Sciences methods of survey and lay and the effects of refraction and lensing at higher angles that can be excluded (15 degree above the horizon). This is based on military sciences actions and validation processes in methods of lay/survey using the sun and stars. In using different methods of lay the lay circle and safe circle validate the survey when they *bump* or turn an angle on each other to check the lay of each instrument. The difference in reading must be 10 mils or less. There are 17.8 mils in one degree. Most often or 99% of the time the difference will be only 1-2 mils. This is why and how we can exclude atmospheric lensing and refraction at angles above 15-20 degrees above the horizon. The M2A2 Aiming Circle as shown. The accountability process within military science is paramount to its principles and high standard.
Hasty Astro method of lay or emplacing survey is both very accurate and can be done in relatively short period of time. This method of lay uses both sun in the day time or stars such as Polaris at night time. You will note these are extreme distances when using the sun and stars for this method of lay. Lensing and refraction are excluding at these extreme distance because of the second M2A2 aiming circle called the safe circle verifies the survey data using an alternate method of lay typically magnetic. Both circles must be within 10 mils of each other, they typically are within 1-2 mils 99.9% of the time. There are 17.8 mils in one degree.
The real world military science applications applied directly into STO and SIMO. The transition is exact with application and process providing solid principle and fundamentals to both STO and SIMO applications. You will note the triangulation in this application, also the 45 degree sector test box. Can you pick out the hallway walls, floor as they all come together? Remember seeing it somewhere else,
perhaps in visual perspective?
The real world military science applications applied directly relate from Military sciences real world applications. Included are uses of applied geometry for this application. There is both a manual and computerized version for determining weapons sector range fans. The computerized version is called ArGIS. Calculating and determining safety is an exact science, and there is no room for error in these applications, because lives depend on its safe practice every day. Also very important are the lines of parallel or the left and right limits, lines of intersect, they are very definitive in this application of military science. This is why military science may mention heliocentric science in some of its manuals but never apply it in its real world applications. Now see if you can pick out the visual perspective items in this and the next diagram where STO and SIMO applications were developed from.
The real world military science applications applied directly into STO and SIMO. Note the key in this diagram showing STO and SIMO. The transition is exact with application and process providing solid principle and fundamentals to both STO and SIMO applications. The applications in Range Sector Fans and HASTY Astro applications both demonstrate near and extreme distances of visual perspective, which lensing and refraction can be excluded at over 15 degree above the horizon.
The real world military science applications are present in many things we should recognize if we just take the time to understand them. This is true with visual perspective, military science real world applications verify this as accurate. You will note the hallway, walls, and lines of parallel.
Can you pick out the lines of parallel lines of intersect, and visual perspective in the military science applications shown? This also follows visual acuity and how optics in scopes (weapons scopes-range finders-theodolites) are all designed in line with visual perspective as shown. This is why theodolites and optical scopes for weapon systems and range finders are ALL linear they correspond with visual perspective. Understanding this element is essential part in learning and the knowledge of how it we see things in our world and our visual limits. After all, human vision is one of the weakest parts of human anatomy our eyes were designed to work within this system :)).
The lines of visual perspective, left and right limits, lines of parallel and intersect all combine within visual perspective and are interlinked within the field of military science real world applications shown. The evidence is overwhelming once we learn how to identify it and know where to look.
Visual effects at lower elevations up to 15-20 degree above the horizon has an effect on optics and our vision. Conditions that effect this are weather, temperature, pollution, water in our atmosphere, and air density. Understanding these effects and how it can limit, lens, and effect our vision especially at long distances. Military Science identifies this and addresses it accordingly; for artillery units using distant aiming points are not to exceed 1500 meters or just under one mile in distance, when looking out at lower elevations of below 15 degree. However at higher angles for lay and safe circle procedures the skies the limit, if you can see it you can use it, meaning celestial bodies such as the sun and stars. Military Science also addresses refraction and lensing at higher angles. Meaning once the lay circle and safe circle BUMP or turn an angle on each other using alternate method of lay (survey) they must be within 10mils of each other. There are 17.8 mils in 1 degree. By doing this act on a regular basis Military Science has proven refraction and lensing at higher angles does NOT exist or is extremely minimal under 1 degree. Again this is because Military Science has a high degree of accountability because lives depend on it every day.
The list of military manuals as references for this information are;
1. The U.S. Army, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Corps Artillery, Divisional Artillery, and Brigade Artillery, Artillery Training Planner, ATP 3-09.24, dated 21 November 2012.
2. The U.S. Army Training Circular (TC), Field Artillery Manual Cannon Gunnery, TC 3-09.81, dated April 13, 2016.
3. U.S. Army, Artillery Survey Operations, Field Manual Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Survey Operations, FM 6-2, dated 23 September 1993.
4. U.S. Army Field Artillery Cannon Battery Operations Field Manual, FM 6-50, dated 23 December 1996.
5. U.S. Army Artillery Training Planner, The Field Artillery Cannon Battery, ATP 3-09.50 manual dated May 2016.
6. U.S. Army Map Reading, Field Manual, FM 3-25.26 dated January 2005.
7. U.S. Army Developmental Test Command Test Operations Procedure, Test Operation Procedure 03-2-709, dated 19 November 2010.
8. The U.S. Army, Field Artillery School, Ft. Sill. Oklahoma, The Special Text ST 6-50-20 Executive Officer/Platoon Leader Handbook Cannon Artillery, dated 20 February 1998.
9. Department of the Army, DA-PAM 385-63 Range Safety, dated 10 April 2003.
10. Department of the Army Regulation, AR 385-63, Range Safety (MCO 3570.1C), dated
30 January 2012.
11. The U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-09.8 Field Artillery Gunnery, dated July 2006.
The strategic and fundamental accuracy of military science is vital, lives depend on its safe use and practice every day, and because second place in military science can get you conquered.
Military Science links
1. Setting up the M2Aiming Circle
2. Declinating the M2 Aiming Circle
3. Performing Hasty Traverse M2 Aiming Circle
4. Performing HASTY ASTRO SUN /STAR SHOT using the M2 Aiming Circle
5. Magnetic Checks using M2 Aiming Circle verifying lay of survey using grid magnetic
The U.S. military weapons bore-sighting is another solid military science application which uses extensive use of line of parallel when bore-sighting larger weapon systems such as artillery and armor. You will note in the diagram above the weapon cannon tube and gunners sight are in line of parallel designated by the black arrows. In bore-sight procedures the gunner can adjust the weapons sight azimuth and elevation in towards the cannon tube (shown by blue arrow) to achieve correct weapons bore-sight but cannot EXCEED the line of parallel as (show by the red arrow). These processes and applications of military science are absolute in their methodology and principle. Depending on the specific weapon system will determine bore-sight distances. There are also different methods of bore-sight as shown here (target method or field method) for artillery.
The defined limits used in military science application and set up of live fire range safety box. Safety boxes are designed as limits for artillery rounds to impact in. The safety box is comprised of near - far and left - right limits. Left and right limits are azimuths set by deflection, and the near and far limits are set as quadrants. This limits are definitive and are required for safe accurate indirect live fires for artillery weapon munitions impact area. The impact area is the designated area where the explosive rounds will land safely. The safety box is created by the artillery unit fire direction center (FDC) "within" the designated impact area for high explosive munitions to impact into.
Military science application for artillery live fire range safety T. This document is used as a safety limit for weapons live indirect artillery fire. This document lists the weapons left and right limits, maximum and minimum quadrants, high angle, low angle, shell, fuze combination, charge, firing position/location, and azimuth of fire. The Safety T provides a reference guide for the gun crew to safely fire the weapon into a impact area. Sometimes lines of parallel in real world military science applications are not always lines but a sequence of numbers. Will give an example of its use. A fire mission is given to the gun crew with the following information, the section chief must determine if it is safe to fire;
Fire mission gun one, shell HE, fuze PD, charge 6 WB, deflection 3270, quadrant 339. Is this fire mission is safe to fire? Yes, the defection numbers given fall between the guns left 3390 and right 3250 low angle limit, the quadrant also falls between max 685 and minimum 288 quadrant elevations, the shell-fuze -charge combination are all in accordance with the safety T. Now will give a another example see if you can determine if the fire mission is safe to fire for gun one. Gun one fire mission High Angle, shell illumination, fuze time, time 15.6, charge 5 GB, deflection 3190, quadrant 1075. Is this fire mission safe to fire? Review the high angle safety T information given. The answer is no, the mission is not safe to fire, the deflection given 3190 exceeds the guns left limit of 3180 by 10 mils. All other information given is safe. This is an example of exceeding the line of parallel in military science.
Corey talks about Operation Resolute Time 2020 and its significance in testing of earths true surface shape. Testing conducted in a war zone in Kabul, Afghanistan.
Corey explains the window dressing that has occurred for the globe model within the field of military science, and examples of it.
Coming soon!
Operation Resolute time 2020 conducted from 7 February to 8 August 2020 in Kabul, Afghanistan. With 87 experiments conducted, measured direct sun angles at an elevation of 5,963' above sea level. Test and experiment results were applied to both the globe and flat earth model. Of significance 58% or 50 of a total of 87 test results exceeded the globe models limit. This result was catastrophic geometric failure for the globe model. This is because the globe model was given significant advantages of both distance from the northern most prime meridian the Tropic of Cancer at 765 miles, and tests conducted at high elevation just under 6000' above sea level. Both of these factors should have resulted in significantly lower sun angle readings if the globe model is to be valid.
All test data was reviewed and sun plots applied to measure for distance to the sun on the globe model.
Operation Resolute Time 2020
Operation North American Sun 21-22-23
Some major vertical angle issues for the globe model with significant out of tolerance data shown. Testing shows very significant failures some exceeding more than 15 degrees.
The globe model again having serious issues passing tests during the summer solstice periods and long range observation tests.
The flat earth model has passed all vertical angle testing to date.
Understanding OS position and its relation to the sun and its path of movement both inside and outside the equatorial plane. You will note for angle readings which are off of the direct east west line, the farther the sun is the lower measured sun angles are as shown in this diagram. Of importance is also the drift to the southwest which is an indicator and evidence of the orbital movement of the sun as it moves within the lines of meridian above the flat earth.
Our human body is a a configuration of a tripod and protractor if we break it down into simpler more defined ability. The human head is a built in protractor, it physically moves in the direction and angle we want to see an object The human body is the tripod. It physically stands on the surface of the earth in the desired direction and supports the protractor. The movement of our head or protractor is the recorded upper motion we physically view an object. This is also the check angle of measurement. The position of our body or tripod whether on a flat or curved surface is the recorded lower non-motion we physically stand on. Any angle our body or the tripod is physically on must be added or accounted for along with the upper recorded motion (our head-protractor) for accuracy.
This diagram description details the human head or protractor as the recorded upper motion. This is because our head adjusts on the body or tripod to view an object we want to see. This angle must be recorded as part of the total composite angle along with the tripod or our human body.
The human body or tripod is the recorded lower non-motion we are physically on. This angle is part of the total composite angle along with the recorded upper motion or protractor as shown in this diagram.
In question number one can you figure out the correct total composite sum angle?
The answer to question number one, is 55 degree angle. This is computed by adding the recorded upper motion angle of 35 degree and recorded lower non-motion of 20 degree. The correct answer is A , 55 degree.
The sun on earth at 90 degrees is line 1 and you the observer at distance to the sun equates to angle on the globe. Meaning the observer angle + measured sun height = line 2 as shown in the above diagram. The sum total of line 2 cannot exceed 90 degrees or the limit is exceeded for the globe model. It really is that simple.
The lines of parallel are not something that's mentioned often in our institutions of learning as lines of parallel. They do however have common names we can identify easily, they are definitive and absolute. They can be increments of measurement just as the lines on a ruler or on a measuring cup, or the left and right frame of a doorway. Understanding lines of parallel and you'll walk through the open doorway, make the right measurement whether building or baking.
In more simple terms lines of parallel are like windows as shown in the example. When the said curved is applied for the globe model as in Operation Resolute Time 2020 this pushes the sun out of the window or lines of parallel 70% of the time it was tested. Unlike the flat earth model which has no issue in complying with the window or lines of parallel. We must remember the guide angle which is set at 90 degree by the sun survey point pins the observer(s) to 90 degree total. This can only be exceeded if the objects said size at distance falls within the allowable tolerance. Example of this would be 90.3 for the heliocentric models sun at size and distance of 93,867,000 miles. At one degree past line of parallel is 1,638,664 miles, the sun (965,370 miles in size) half sun at (482,685 miles in size) miles wide, this far exceeds the suns actual size. Remember we are measuring sun angle from center mass of the sun on line of sun survey at the OS. The globe model still failed by a great margin even when allowed this additional tolerance. The high sun works against the heliocentric model. You will note the recorded upper motion which is the actual physical measure angle from earths surface is added with the observer angle to the object of reference the sun or what is called the recorded lower non-motion. When added together this composite sum angle must be within 90 degree or the allowed tolerance for that model at size and distance. This then transitions to each models orbital mechanics which is earth to sun alignment, and why it is soo very important. If your alignment is off as shown in the heliocentric globe model your entire model is invalid.
In the check on learning question, will use lines of parallel in an everyday use
which for many people may not realize its very common use. This is to demonstrate lines of parallel every day use in our lives as a common occurrence, to which they are both definitive and absolute.
The answer to question one example on lines of parallel using a doorway. The doorway has definitive size measurements both horizontal and vertical. The measurements given for the doorway opening is 39" wide by 81" in length. In the selections given choice A exceeds the line of parallel (Height) by 3", and choice C exceeds the line of parallel (width) by 3". The correct answer is B, which falls in the correct doorway width of 39" and height of 81". This is the first example of lines of parallel we use in our everyday lives, but may not recognize.
In this check on learning question, select the right amount of flour Jenny needs to put into the measuring cup using the recipe amount given. Review the information and diagram information and select the correct answer.
The answer to question #2 measuring cup. Jenny is required to add 3 cups of flour per the recipe. The correct answer is B. Choice A is 4 cups which is to much flour, and selection C and D are 1 and 2 cups which is not enough flour per the recipe given. Selection B (3 cups) is within the lines of parallel per the recipe (limit). This is just another common everyday example with regards to lines of parallel we use.
Sometime exceeding lines of parallel such as a train on the railroad tracks can have disastrous effects. The railroad tracks being lines of parallel in engineering. A derailed train is an example of exceeding the lines of parallel in real world application in engineering. Lines of parallel are merely left and righ limits or they can be near and far limits based on geometrics.
You unknowingly for many are the expert in line of parallel. Performing it on average 50+ times daily. Examples such as pressing keys on touch pads to keyboards on computers, phones, or remote controls. Other examples range from eating (putting food in your mouth) to driving a car, walking along a sidewalk to sitting in a chair are all examples of line of parallel. It is in our everyday life.
Earth sun alignment is paramount for any model we are to view and evaluate as real. Measuring direct sun angles from the earths surface will give the details of just how far off the heliocentric model is when we look at earth to sun alignment. When applied data from Operation Resolute Time 2020 shows just how far the heliocentric model is off. It's not just a matter of recalculating to try and correct the heliocentric model, it doesn't work like that. Its a matter of direct sun angle reading (alignment of the earth and sun) that show just how far off the heliocentric model really is. The heliocentric globe model requires a low sun in the 45 degree sector for it's orbital mechanics to work. However the high measured sun angles (46 degree and more) in the 45 degree sector test provide solid evidence of orbital failure for the heliocentric globe model. In other words the sun is to high in the sky for that models orbital mechanics to work. While the flat earth orbital mechanics easily meets the requirement with the high sun.
The orbital mechanics RED zones as shown which exceed the heliocentric model orbital mechanics, or in better terms areas of major geometric failure. Distances this model is off range from between 8 to over 10 million miles off earth sun alignment. What does this mean? In using the object of reference the sun, this means this orbit of the earth does not exist as shown in areas of red. This is why one must use the sun as your first step in determining your model, because if the alignment is off here it transitions to everything else within the heliocentric said model. This is the main reason I conducted testing of earth sun alignment to validate if the heliocentric model was correct, extensive tests conducted in Operation Resolute Time 2020 tell us that the heliocentric globe model is very flawed geometrically and does not meet the standard.
When tested in Operation Resolute Time 2020 and now in Operation North American Sun 21 the Geocentric Flat Earth model when tested meets earth to sun correct measured angular measurements (alignment) which is required to support the models orbital mechanics above the flat earth. All measured angles meeting the tested requirements in the 45 degree sector validation test with results at 100% pass rate. This is because the OS station is at 0 degree and all measured sun angles are 90 degree and below, giving the composite sum angle totals well within tolerance for this model. These results mean the high sun in the summer sun season supports the flat earth models orbital mechanics rotation above the surface of the earth. The three suns in the diagram show the suns operating range within the three prime meridian bands (North-Tropic of Cancer, Center-Equator, South-Tropic of Capricorn).
Time zones can be easily explained in the flat earth model as sun illumination time. As the sun moves across the earth it not only illuminates the surface of the earth but it heats it as well. Time zones are merely sun angle time, from full illumination time to no illumination time. Then broken down by sun movement based on distance coverage or right at 15 degrees an hour.
Flat earth keeping it simple. Another important factor to consider is that on the flat earth model the sun is only about 50-60 miles in diameter, very small, and if we were to look at it on the flat earth map it would be the size of a pin head, very small. The sun is shown larger in these diagrams merely for ease of reference.
The three angles of measurement we need to understand whether they be visual orientation, drawn, or otherwise, these are;
The measured angle, this can be visual as in survey, mechanical as in engineering, or manual as in a rocking chair. It’s exact angle is determined using protractors a instrument of measurement to measure exact angles which are in degrees.
Lines of Parallel where two lines one of which a guide angle (visual or otherwise) run side by side maintaining equal distance between. Example of this would be two 90 degree angles running side by side. They neither intersect or increase in separation.
The guide angle the most important angle to an observable object (elevated of otherwise) generally this angle is at 90 degree and is key in performing triangulation to determine measured angle and distance of the object. It is the primary angle to an object that maybe measured from other angles to it as the primary.
The step process when using distant aiming references which must take into consideration the object of reference said size and distance. Use of the sun survey point is essential in measurements and earth to sun alignment. This step must be accomplished prior to taking measurements. In other words the geometric edge must be set at the observer OS for geometric accuracy.
The suns movement and path as we view moving across our daytime sky. Our position on earth and the sun season will determine this from the observer. You will note the sun clock shown in this diagram as well. Knowing the sun clock position in relation to time is also key.
The three north's or three wise men as I call them. When the grid system was created or GRID north it was designed for the globe global positioning system (GPS). The sun was also incorporated into this as well or sun position. There are programs designed to sync the sun to a position on earth along with GPS position. We must understand the system is a layered system. Meaning by design as well as purpose. The globe grid system has been expanded because of the use of the sun for positioning and the failure to understand the suns solar declination angle (SDA). Because the suns movement in our sky is variable meaning it vary's. A system had to be devised to account for this. Hence the GM angle is used very cleverly to account for this. Most navigational armchair warriors will miss this or fail to understand. Its why the Gleason's 1892 flat earth math does not use GM angle but straight sun position and magnetic or navigational north along with LATITUDE and LONGITUDE Calculator And WHY the globe map requires it. The globe map has been blown up larger than what we actually live on so to account for this they incorporated the GM angle or declination. Hence why when you have to ADD the gm angle when going from compass magnetic north to grid north. And when you go from grid map north to compass magnetic north you subtract the GM angle. Why not just USE the right scale map like the Gleason's flat earth map and skip all the adding and subtracting. Trust the compass it's what your physically walking on.
Once you understand how it works it becomes far more simple in understanding WHY the GM angle is required because on the globe MAP your looking at an image that is bigger than what your really on. Again why the Gleason's map 1892 flat earth map requires magnetic north only. Remember the compass is what your actually navigating on whether by foot, vehicle, or flying. The map is merely a blown up representation of the earths surface. Review the two grid convergence slides one has westerly magnetic to grid north, and the other a easterly magnetic to grid north. Adding and subtracting RULE on the GM angle is reversed due to the magnetic alignment to grid north.
Converting magnetic azimuth on a map Example: Grid Azimuth (MAP) 93 degree with GM Angle W +14 degree = Magnetic Azimuth of 107 degrees
Converting to grid azimuth on a map Example: Magnetic azimuth of 65 degrees with GM Angle of W -8 degree = Grid azimuth of 57 degrees. Reference is US Army FM 21-26.
The size in GM angle is an indicator of how far in what direction the map (globe model) has been stretched out in that specific area from the original map.
Using the declination diagram as shown above (ref FM 21-26). Note the side the magnetic north is to grid north (westerly). Follow the rule as stated in previous slide.
Using the declination diagram as shown above (ref FM 21-26). Note the side the magnetic north is to grid north (easterly). With the magnetic north to the east of grid north the rule is reversed as shown in the slide
Once you understand how it works it becomes far more simple in understanding WHY the GM angle is required because on the globe MAP your looking at an image that is bigger than what your really on. Again why the Gleason's map 1892 flat earth map requires magnetic north only. Remember the compass is what your actually navigating on whether by foot, vehicle, or flying. The map is merely a blown up representation of the earths surface.
Converting magnetic azimuth on a map Example: Converting Grid Azimuth (MAP) 93 degree with GM Angle W +14 degree = Magnetic Azimuth of 107 degrees
Converting to grid azimuth on a map Example: Magnetic azimuth of 65 degrees with GM Angle of W -8 degree = Grid azimuth of 57 degrees. Reference is US Army FM 21-26.
The size in GM angle is an indicator of how far in what direction the map (globe model) has been stretched out in that specific area from the original map.
FAQs you may ask.
1. Does the GM angle affect measured testing and plotting sun plots? Yes it will, however not enough to save the globe model. One of the reasons I tested in the US with a heavier GM angle of -9 degrees from the 3 degrees in Afghanistan during ORT 2020 testing. The globe model still failed. It looks to be off by about 10 degrees. You can only expand a map soo much before it becomes very evident.
2. Are you saying the globe map (grid) was altered from original form? That's correct. A designed grid system was put in place. Using the sun was part of it, however the vertical angle will tell the true story on earths surface shape whether flat or curved. Its just something that couldn't be made to fit the sun is to high in the sky. They would have to increase the circumference of the globe by around 12 degrees to make it fit or be very close. But that's stretching it out to far and probably why they didn't.
3. Are you implying they knew this that sun position in the sky would be a problem? Possibly if your smart enough to figure out the vertical angle being an issue. I think they just banked on it never being revealed, or that the process would be to difficult to understand. Its why its not taught in the education system.
4. What about in the southern regions near Antarctica? That's a huge problem, especially when navigating and you've condensed the map in the south where its actually expanded. This is evident from early navel navigational issues where navigation using the globe was off more than 12 degrees in the south. This had to be addressed and now electronic navigation and software has aided in over coming this as well ocean charts differ hence different mapping systems.
5. Is there a magnetic variance in the magnetic field we measure using a compass? Why not, I don't think it would be excluded to just a specific point, more of an "area". Something which would require extensive testing and more study. If there's one thing nature teaches us is that change is ever present in the world we live in
6. With this variance in the magnetic field and magnetic declination in the grid north globe model you mentioned the globe being altered based on this, can you expand on this? Sure if you alter a map in the actual size of what we physically live on, a correction factor will be required to get you back on the actual size of what your physically navigating on from the map your using. Magnetic declination becomes a very good tool to facilitate this process. When we compare maps the globe and the Gleason's map there is a definitive difference in measured azimuths to the same location of around 1100 miles during ORT 2020 as one example. A video on the home page called the difference in maps shows this very example.
The 2021 Solar Return Festival held in Greenville, South Carolina was another amazing flat earth event. This event was centered around the return of the sun on its return from the equator to the northern prime meridian the Tropic of Cancer from its long journey from the southern most prime meridian the Tropic of Capricorn.. Corey at the display which shows the Marx Device. Subject areas on display and explained were Operation Resolute Time 2020, Military Science applications, orienting station setup and digital protractor, use of the sun, in determining earths true surface shape, emplacement of the sun survey position using the Marx Device. Special thanks to Karen B for all her hard work and efforts who coordinated the Solar Return event.
Corey does interviews, this one at the 2019 Flat Earth International Conference which was held in Dallas, Texas. This interview team was from Live Through Productions. So many positive minded people, the flat earth community is like family.
The 2021 Flatoberfest conference in Spartanburg, South Carolina.