Background in the United States Army for 23 years with additional service as a military defense contractor for 15 years serving in various positions from security to quality control inspector, vehicle and equipment instructor, range operations safety technician and firing desk operator, principle tactical trainer, mobility combat trainer, and advisor, communications and signal trainer and advisor, deployment advisor, technical writer, author, artillery master gunner certification, artillery survey and (celestial survey operations using the stars to emplace a survey position on ground from which to fire artillery indirect fire).
There are many things we as human beings may not understand, but those things we do we should ensure we understand the validity of science from fiction, to the discovery of real truths even if they dispel theories and or religious beliefs, we once held to be valid, and the responsibility to humanities best interest.
I have spent the better part of over 35 years dedicated to supporting the art of war between men. I’ve lived and worked on military bases that didn’t exist on maps.
In use of the sun as an object of direct reference we can conclusively determine earths true surface shape as flat.
~Corey M. Kell~
For questions,comments or more information email Corey at
From Xlibris publishing available online and through amazon books. Author Corey Kell gives insight on careers in the defense contract industry. Includes resume writing, job searches, information on pay, deployment, living conditions, and working with foreign military's to the do's and dont's.
From Xlibris publishing available online and through amazon books. Author Corey Kell gives one of the first ever comprehensive detailed processes on how to use the sun to determine earths true surface shape. This book is packed full of diagrams, information, and a step by step process required making it easy for anyone to perform the test and understand the results. Corey also explains the military science aspects of how the entire process was developed using the celestial survey. A must book for any flat earther as well as educators in understanding what we weren't taught in traditional education.. Included are 16 training task outline for each detailed process and steps.
Reader review; Wow. I just received and read your book, which would qualify as a textbook, if truth be told. It was extremely well written with diagrams, photos and visual explanations to allow for easier comprehension of the material. And the chapter recaps and quizzes was a brilliant idea. You have definitely made your case. I hope you are sending this to influential people and organizations and newspaper publications. I know this sounds a little out there but this would make a great movie! ~Rikki~